AI Finland
Events and Services
AI Finland’s events and services are tailored to address the specific needs of its members. Our primary focus is on fasilitating a platform to enable informationg sharing and peer learning between companies and oganizations, connecting supply and demand, delivering valuable insights, and fostering business growth and innovation within the network. Everything we do is designed to help our members thrive in the AI space.
From the autumn AI Gala to the spring AI Finland Seminar, we offer a variety of opportunities for networking and collaboration. Informal meetups to encourage deeper connections, while our speed dating events are designed to efficiently match AI solution providers with those in need of innovative technologies.
Virtual Events and Peer-to-Peer Sessions
Monthly case-based sessions designed for active engagement. Instead of traditional webinars, we focus on interactive discussions and peer-to-peer collaboration.
Member Portal and LinkedIn Group
A use case library and member directory accessible to the entire network, along with a closed LinkedIn group exclusively for members.
Working Groups and Workshops
Working groups focused on specific topics within expert focus areas. Facilitated workshops that foster cross-industry collaboration.